EMV Instant Package
Our EMV instant issuing solution is fully integrates, easy to deploy and 100% scalable. Banks now can reach out to their clients in every branch and offer instant banking card issuance in less than 30 seconds. A process that could take between 3 days to 1 week is now instant.
We have created Smart Personalization software that is compatible with most existing card production systems and currently running with Matica, CIM and Datacard Machines.
Our solution offers a flexible setup with cetnralized data preparation and instant card production. This allows for an even faster user experience and more secure data handeling.
There is no limit for scaling the instant issuing system. Our solution can extend to different countries with minimal infrastructure costs. We currently have over 100+ instant issuing centers handeling millions of cards each year.
How it Works
After years of research and development tasks, our engineers have developed a smooth and modular aproach.
The setup requires three basic steps.
Server Preparation
Once the requirements are agreed upon and the setup is confirmed, we prepare the server installation and HSM configuration in our offices. The server will be shipped preconfigured with the desired modules and scripts.
Client Preparation
At the branch site, also called the "Client" site, the desktop embosser or thermal printer is installed along with the design and EMV client personalization software module. An in depth training for the local staff is offered part of the package. Need Training?
Integration & Testing
After all the servers and software is in place, we perform thorough testing on connectivity, security and integration. The quality assurance process is where all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.
Our EMV Modules
EMV Data Preparation
The DP module is dedicated to creating the data file of each card with the corresponding scripts and security encryption keys.
KMS Key Managment
The KMS is the module that stores and organizes all keys necesarry for card production. The KMS has HSM connectivity and processes encryption and high computational tasks for data preparation/ pin generation and even transactions.
EMV Card Issuing
After the data is prepared by the DP, the CI module is responsible to encode this dp file on the chip and prints/embosses the actual card.
Card Design Software
Our card layout software customizable and very userfriendly. We help you organize different job profiles and connect the design layout to the CI module for EMV encoding.
EMV Testing & Validation
In order to ensure the validity of your smart cards, we offer Card Personalization Validation (CPV) with Mastercard and Visa
EMV Chip Scripting
Every manufacturer issues unique chips and cards. We provide the needed EMV scripts for each profile and manufacturer. Custom chip profiles are also possible.